Saturday, October 2, 2010

Glamour Doll Eyes 2010 Limited Edition Halloween Eyeshadow Sets Review and Swatches

Glamour Doll Eyes released 2 Halloween Sets this year, last year they released 1, and I got mine in the mail today. In Set 1 you got 3 Limited Edition eyeshadows and one Limited Edition eyelight and it cost $15. In Set 2 you got 4 Limited Edition eyeshadows for $16. They all have a limited edition label and it says Glamour Doll Scare Shadows, it's real cute. I preordered mine and on that day only if you bought both sets you got a free pair of Red Cherry Eyelashes so I got the 100's. There are only a very limited amount made so you have to get yours quick.

these are the eyelashes

The bags look like this and each comes with the same sticker of Miranda *xxpandafacexx on youtube* and business cards of Natasha *myeyeshadowisodd on youtube* and Heather *KittieRae on youtube*. They also have a little sticker on back that tells you if it's Set 1 or 2.

Set 1
with flash

without flash

Set 2
with flash

without flash

in natural light and over concealer
Set 1

you can't wet glitter so that one is not shown

Set 2


These descriptions are how the colors look to me and not necessarily how they are described on the web site

Set 1
Zombie Date Night - red, black and orange glitter
Bruised! - dark lavender with blue shimmer
Graveyard - matte dark grey
FrakenGlamour - pastel lime green with gold shimmer

Set 2
Undead - blackened wine almost metallicy
Satan's Sheets - satin white with red sparkle
Infectious - burnt orange with gold and red shimmer
Teenage Witch - green grey with gold shimmer

All are approved for Eyes, Lips, Face and Nails except for Teenage Witch and Bruised! which are not approved for lips.

Now, Infectious looks a whole hell of a lot like Fallin' For You from last years limited edition fall set except it has red shimmer *which really isn't that noticable unless it hits the light just right* and is a wee bit more brown/burnt.
Teenage Witch and Big Brother from the Twi-Shadows collection look exactly the same, they are both grey green but Teenage Witch is 2 shades darker then Big Brother.
Bruised is if All Nighter was less blue and more purple.
Graveyard is a dark grey but it looks like one of those greys that look a little blue too and it's very close to black.
My favorites would be Undead, Satan's Sheets and FrakenGlamour.
Undead is fantastic, I've been looking for exactly this color. It's supposed to be a black with red undertones/sheen but it doesn't look like a black, when you rub it out real good tho, it is definitly a black.
When I seen that there was going to be a white I thought 'Great, another white, they all look the same any old ways.' Wow, have I ever been wrong. This white is amazing, and I think I'm in love. It is a very pearly white with so much prominent red shimmer *tho it looks like pink shimmer*, it straight up reminds me of the snow.
I don't have a green like FrankenGlamour, no permanent GDE green looks like this. I don't think I can explain how pretty this is so I'm not going to even try hahaha. 

I love when Glamour Doll Eyes comes out with limited edition sets and I'm really glad I got mine, you'll be glad when you get yours too.


All products were bought with my own money and these are my true and honest opinions.

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