Thursday, September 9, 2010

Glamour Doll Eyes review/color description

I know, I know its been a while but I've finally gotten some time to go over the last batch of colors I got from GDE.

Now I got a lot of greens so lets start there. I was so excited to get Martini Olive and Olivia Green cux I've been wanting them for a long time and they were worth the wait. Matte and just the greatest greens, not much else to say but you should get them. Upper East Side was more silvery then I expected, its like silver with a metalic light green under tone. It looks silver with green and pink shimmers in it. Its nice but definitley not what I thought it'd be. I'd describe Oddity as a dirty lime green, kinda like pea soup vomit via The Exorcist but please don't get me wrong, I love this color. It's so unique and I plan to use this often. Drag Queen...I was hoping I would like this color and in fact, I LOVE IT. It is so gorgeous, please do buy it. Its a teal that fades out into a purple green/blue shimmer. You have to see this in real life to understand how truely amazing it is.

Silver/Greys. Graves in May, one of my favorites. Adore the name, love the color. Its like a beigy muave dipped in grey, when you put it on and rub it out it looks like a dusty lavender. So suttley beautiful. Makin' a Scene is a great silver that looks to have green and pink shimmer in it. Everyone was going bananas over Pistol Pistol, and for good reason. A gunmetal blast of color. It is the darkest metalic grey with an explosion of green, purple, red and pink shimmer. If yo u like unique colors, this is a must.

Stiletto is wonderful. I had gotten a free sample of this in a previous order but never used it for some reason. I really liked the color tho so I bought a full jar and have been using it quite often now. It is a straight matte magenta, so so beautiful. Chelsey is a medium matte purple infused with the most brilliant gold shimmer, such a lovely color. The shimmer/glitter shows up really well when you wear it, it won't fall off and just leave you with a purple eyeshadow. All Nighter is that blue violet crayon you had as a child but never knew when to use it. It will fuck with your mind trying to figure out what color it should be. Blue and purple shimmery craziness. Summer Skies is a metallic purple that looks a bit blue at times, with a pretty pink shimmer in it. I've been wanting Veteran since it came out and my it's even better then I thought. Deep metalic blue with what are supposed to be red shimmers but look more like a purple pink color.

Her Revenge is a metalic cherry red that rubs out to look a little pinker. Taylor is a muted red, makes me a little sad when I see it for some reason but I like red eye shadow so it's okay. They both photographed more orange then they actually are.

Eyelights. These glitter are so fine that they resemble dust more than glitter. Cashed Out! is the perfect emerald color, it's my birthstone and I love it. Fierce is a great ruby red.

Gaga Glamour Gloss is a shimmery hot bubble gum pink that smells like sherbet.

Now out of all these I would say you should definitely buy Drag Queen, Stiletto, Chelsey and Graves in May.
Go buy some, your not going to be disappointed.


All products were bought with my own money and this is truely and honestly how I see them.


  1. I nearly peeed a little when you talked about All Nighter and said "It will fuck with your mind trying to figure out what color it should be." b/c that's exactly what it did. I sort my GDEshadows by colour and it took so freaking long for me to decide if it should go with purple or blue and I still haven't completely decided yet lol

  2. I do the same thing and I have it in purple right now but I think I'll need to make a special area for colors that don't belong in one category. It's so frustrating! XD
